Celebrate small success:
Life is long, and chances are there will always be something else that you’re striving for. And when you do achieve something major (a promotion, a new job, buying a house), it can feel like you only get a little bit of time to enjoy it before you have to move onto the next goal. So while you might feel down that you haven’t reached some made-up milestone (executive VP by 30, millionaire by 27, startup founder by 21, whatever), you have to know you'd be onto the next big dream by now even if you had. That’s why it’s so important to celebrate the small successes. Did you impress a client and get good feedback? Did you finish a months-long assignment that had been hanging over your head? Heck, did you fix the jammed copy machine? Nice job! Take a moment and enjoy the win. Give yourself a gold star or buy yourself a latte. You deserve it! .
When you’re having a bout of insecurity, it can be good to take a look at your weaknesses and consider how they could be holding you back. I’m prone to taking on way too many projects — I want to talk to everyone, write everything, and go everywhere. As a result, my schedule is overcrowded, and I don’t get to spend as much time on the important things. If I was better about saying no, I probably wouldn’t find myself feeling insecure about something I’ve written because I would have had more time to work on it. Analyzing your weaknesses isn’t an excuse for a pity party. It’s more about taking a hard look at the areas of your life that could be holding you back and making a plan to fix them — or let them go. No one is good at everything, and once you recognize that, it can help you put more focus on the areas where you do excel.
There’s really no such thing as people who are just naturally talented. Pro athletes, pop stars, best-selling authors: They're all successful because they practice all the time. So if there’s an area of your life that’s bumming you out — and you think it’s worth improving — there’s an easy solution to your problem: practice. Practice, practice, practice, practice. It will make you better, and it will make you feel better.
Embrace new chances:
This can feel counterproductive when you’re battling some low self-esteem and all you want to do is stay in bed and watch Parenthood on Netflix, but taking a risk can sometimes be just what you need to pull yourself out of a funk. Doing something scary can be a total adrenaline rush that leaves you feeling all, LOOK WHAT I JUST DID. And that’s an awesome confidence booster (and something you can reference the next time you hit a bump and are feeling low).
Dress the part:
I have this red sweater blazer and a grey dress that make me feel like a million bucks. I like to wear that outfit whenever I have a big meeting or an important interview. I know a lot of people argue that what you wear isn’t important, or it’s unfair to suggest that people should buy new clothes to boost their self-esteem. But if we’re being realistic about the working world, we have to point out the truth: How you present yourself is so important. You don’t need to have a closet full of expensive clothes to get ahead, but you will feel a lot better if you have one or two outfits you absolutely love that you can wear whenever you need a pick-me-up. I don’t wear that dress and blazer because I think it will impress other people — I wear it because it makes me feel ready to take on the world.
Call a confidant:
It doesn’t have to be your mom — it can be your partner, best friend, dad, brother, grandmother, whoever. Everyone should have one person they can call whenever they feel the lowest of the low. I usually call my 'first love' when things seem really bleak, because she rarely complains about my complaining. Plus, she gives a killer pep talk. Find that person who can be an emotional support system and hold onto them tight. (Although be careful not to take advantage of their generosity — it's important to be the listener sometimes, too.).
Stop the comparison:
Jealousy is the worst, and we all fall victim to it from time to time. There is always going to be someone in your life who seems to have it all: the looks, the money, the relationship, the success. But everyone — and I mean EVERYONE — has their own problems and insecurities. Stop comparing yourself to others. It’s hard, but letting go of jealousy will make you feel so much better. Your mom was right when she said that the only person you should be competing with is yourself. That’s one of the reasons you should call her sometimes! .
I hate giving this advice, but it works. Exercise truly is a cure-all. It boosts creativity and productivity, and when you’re having a sucky time of things, working out can make you feel better. Lace up your sneakers and pound the pavement for a few miles while listening to your favorite playlist. Take a weird dance or cooking class you’ve always wanted to try — and worry less about getting all the moves or recipe right and more about having fun. It doesn’t really matter what kind of exercise you do, spending an hour focusing on yourself by getting your heart pumping will help you forget about whatever is zapping your confidence. And you might even come out on the other side with a few good ideas or a solution to your problem.
Make a list of your accomplishments:
You should be doing this regularly anyway, in order to keep your résumé fresh. But on those days, when you want to crawl back into bed and never come out, pull out your notebook and start writing down all the things you’re good at. This shouldn’t just be work-related. If you know how to make a cake, write that down. If you’re a good counsellor, write that down, too. Chances are, when you really think about it and put pen to paper, the list will be longer than a page — longer than that pesky to-do list or depressing round-up of shit that’s making you feel bad. After you finish writing it, tuck it away somewhere safe, so you can pull it out the next time you’re feeling terrible. Try it as i already have.
Take a walk:
If you’re having a really shitty day, step out and take a walk around the block. Sometimes, it’s good to bring a friend (or call one!) who will listen while you vent. Sometimes, it’s better to be alone with your thoughts.
Accomplish a task you have been putting off:
Sometimes that lack of confidence comes from feeling really bogged down by an epic to-do list. And who doesn’t have something on their list that they’ve been avoiding like the plague? Just do it. Right now. Stop reading this and get it done. Sure, there are a million other things you need to do, but chances are that one thing is really weighing on you and making you feel bad. Taking the time to get it done will make you feel accomplished and boost your self-esteem.
Do a favour for another:
If you're feeling like a big flop, stop making it all about yourself and do something nice for someone else. There's even scientific evidence that suggests volunteering boosts self-esteem
Seek out inspiring quotes:
Feeling low? Inspirational quotes can be an easy way to feel better fast. There are thousands of them, just look up some.
Learn a new skill:
The new skill could be work-related or something personal. It doesn’t really matter. When you’re looking for a confidence boost, the important thing is to find something you want to try, and then get really good at it, so you can step back and celebrate the small success.
Mentor someone:
Having a mentor is important, but being one might be just as beneficial to your career. It will give you a sense of how much you’ve accomplished and how much you know. There's someone out there who looks up to you.
If all fails, take a nap:
Self-care is so important and it can really boost your self-esteem. Get some sleep. Life will seem more manageable when you're rested. .
Be thy self:
You’ll never feel confident if you don’t embrace your true self, flaws and all. No one is perfect. No one is confident 100% of the time. Most of us are our toughest critics. Be gentle with yourself; you're not worse than you think.
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