“As you probably could’ve guessed by this moment, I have decided, in 2020, to run for president.”
Kanye shows he does have a sense of humor as he picks up a lifetime achievement award at the MTV Music Awards.
"Je suis Charlie."
The world's declaration of support (French for "I am Charlie") for the French satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo,” which was attacked by gunmen claiming to represent al-Qaeda on January 7. Eleven people died and 11 more were injured.
"Because it’s 2015.”
The newly-elected Canadian prime minister's response when asked why there were equal numbers of men and women in his cabinet.
“God always forgives, we men forgive sometimes, but nature never forgives. If you give her a slap, she will give you one. I believe that we have exploited nature too much.”
The Pope makes a blunt comment about mankind's effect on the environment.
“I am Malala. But I am also Shazia. I am Kainat. I am Kainat Soomro. I am Mezon. I am Amina. I am those 66 million girls who are deprived of education. And today I am not raising my voice, it is the voice of those 66 million girls.”
The Pakistani activist for female education, who survived an assassination attempt in 2012, receives the Nobel Peace Prize.
“I don’t have time to be brought down, I’ve got too many things to do. I have grand slams to win, I have people to inspire, and that’s what I’m here for.”
The holder of 21 Grand Slam singles titles dismisses "body shamers."
"I am a mountain goat that keeps going and going and going, I cannot be stopped, I just keep going."
The FIFA president speaks out just a few days before his fifth re-election. He was stopped in June, however, when he resigned following investigations into corruption within world football's governing body.
"Call your mom, call your dad, if you're lucky enough to have a parent or two alive on this planet, call them."
The winner of the Best Supporting Actor Oscar, for his role in "Whiplash," pays tribute to parents all over the world.
"I can't believe 50 years have gone by since that film was released. I blinked and suddenly here I am. We all really felt blessed and as for me; how lucky can a girl get."
The veteran British actress reflects on her career on the 50th anniversary of the release of "The Sound of Music."
“Let’s admit it, we all got two wolves in us, a good one and a bad one, you know what I’m talking about — and they BOTH wanna eat…We just gotta feed that good wolf a little more than the other one.”
During the actor's commencement speech to new graduates at the University of Houston.
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